Products Of The Sea

Photo’s Courtesy of Erika Kean

What role do they play in your everyday lives? …

Life in the sea ... Most of the living things in the ocean are in a very small portion near the surface. Nearly all marine life depends directly or indirectly on microscopic algae found only at the ocean surface. Therefore, most of the animals in the ocean live in the sunlit zone or migrate to it in search of food.

Photo’s Courtesy of Erika Kean

Some animals eat only plants; they are called herbivores. Animals that eat meat are called carnivores. Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and animals. No matter what animals eat, all their food can be traced back to the ability of plants to produce organic material from the energy of the sun.

Perhaps you still think not a very big role, but our oceans also help provide fresh air to breathe and a temperate climate which makes living in southern Africa such a pleasure!